Information about
Wonders of Myanmar, 11 nights

The Wonders of Myanmar tour is designed so that you can know in 11 nights all the cities, monuments and attractions of one of the most unexplored countries of Southeast Asia, ie Myanmar.

Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, will surprise you by its exuberant nature, its temples and pagodas as well as the kindness and simplicity of its people that you will also have the opportunity to get to know thanks to excursions to the local markets and to the traditional Burman village, that are both already included in the tour.

During this exciting trip to Myanmar we will visit the majestic pagodas of the city of Yangon and the ancient capitals of the Burmese Kingdom in the region of Mandalay, we will also cross the Ayeyarwady river by boat and then we will enter the Sagaing region.

In this beautiful region we can enjoy the religious and architectural jewels of its capital, Monywa, before heading to Bagán, famous for its impressive plain dotted with temples.

Finally, we will know the colorful and striking state of Shan, full of spectacular landscapes that surround the Inle Lake together with the Pindaya caves and charming people that will surely make us all fall more in love with this amazing country.

And so that you do not have to worry about anything during your holidays in Myanmar, the tour includes all transfers and visits, as well as excursions in all the typical means of transport such as horse-drawn carriages or boats that will allow us to explore the Ayeyarwady River up close aswell as the Inle Lake.

Visits and activities included: Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda and its recumbent Buddha, Shwedagon Pagoda complex, U-Bein teak bridge, Amarapura, Mahagandaryon Monastery, Ava visit in horse carriage, Bargayar Monastery, Maenu Okkyaung Monastery, Mandalay - Mingun boat by the Ayeyarwaddy River, Pahtodawgyi Pagoda, Myatheindan Pagoda, Mahamuni Temple, Shwenadaw Wood Monastery, Kuthodaw Pagoda, Sunset on Mandalay Hill, Sagaing Hill, Thanboddhay Temple, Monywa and its Reclining Buddhas, Tuang Phowing Caves, traditional Burmese village, Pakkoku local market, Nyaung-U local market, Bagan archaeological site: Shwezigon Pagoda, Ananda Temple and Thatbyuinnyu Temple, traditional lacquered workshop, horse carriage ride through the archaeological site of Bagán, Mount Popa , Kalat Taunk Temple, boat trip on the Ayeyarwaddy River, Pindaya and its famous caves, Shan paper factory, Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery, excursion in boat on Inle Lake, Phaungdaw Oo Pagoda, Nga Phe Chaung Monastery, local market on Inle Lake, Indein pagoda and stupa complex, silk factory, Bogyoke Market, Chinatown and Yangon colonial center.


The trip includes:


traslados Meeting and welcome by our guide and transfers to the hotel.

alojamiento Accommodation regime in Half Board.

traslados Private vehicle with private driver/guide throughout the Tour.

tour All entrance tickets to the places of visit are included.

tasas Government fees, fuel and management expenses have also been taken care of.

seguro Cancellation insurance and travel insurance, with health care coverage worldwide from the departure date to the arrival date are also included.




Arrival in Yangon

Llegada al aeropuerto internacional de Yangón, antigua capital de Myanmar. Encuentro y bienvenida por parte de nuestro guía y traslado al hotel. Arrival to  Yangon International Airport by International flight. Meet and welcomed by our experienced English Speaking guide and transfer to hotel. In the afternoon visit to Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda to see a huge reclining Buddha image, and Complete your first day in Myanmar with an extended visit to one of the world's most spectacular monuments, the Shwedagon Pagoda: its golden stupa is the 'heart' of Myanmar. The pagoda is believed 2,600 years old and the central stupa in surrounded by dozens of intricately decorated buildings and statues. There are always many Myanmar people praying and making offering at Pagoda. Drive back to hotel and leisure. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 1
Day 2

Yangon - Mandalay – Amarapura – Ava – Mandalay

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure early in the morning to take a flight to Mandalay (1h 20min approx.), The last capital of the Kingdom of Burma. We will start visiting the Teak bridge U-Bein, with more than 200 years old and located in the ancient capital of Amarapura. Next, we will go to the Mahagandayon Monastery, where we will have the opportunity to experience the thrilling experience of witnessing the daily food of the more than 1,000 monks who inhabit the complex. Next, we will head to another ancient capital of Myanmar, Ava, which we will reach after crossing the river by boat. We will visit the horse carriage, which will take us to the recondite Bargayar Monastery, famous for its wood engravings, and even the Maenu Okkyaung Monastery (also known as Maha Aungmye Bozan), built with brick and stucco. Return to Mandalay and transfer to the hotel.
Day 3

Mandalay – Mingun – Mandalay

Breakfast in the hotel. Transfer to the port to take a boat that will take us to the town of Mingún by the Ayeyarwaddy River, allowing us to observe the local life on its shores. Upon arrival we can visit the majestic and unfinished Pahtodawgyi Pagoda, as well as its huge bell over 90 tons, and the curious Pagoda Myatheindan, which represents Mount Meru (mythical and sacred mountain for Buddhists). Return to Mandalay. In the afternoon, visit the Mahamuni Temple, center of the religious life of the city. Next, we will see the beautiful Shwenadaw wood monastery and the Kuthodaw Pagoda, which houses the world's largest book, carved in marble. Back to the hotel. Finally we will enjoy the spectacular views and the sunset on the Mandalay Hill. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 4

Mandalay - Monywa

Breakfast in the hotel. In the morning we will start the journey by road to Monywa (3 to 4 hours). Just leave Mandalay, stop to see the view of Sagaing Hill, full of white and gold temples. On the way we will also visit the curious and colorful Thanboddhay Temple, architectural jewel of the area with a large central stupa surrounded by 845 small stupas and containing some 500,000 Buddha images inside. Arriving in Monywa we can see, at the top of a hill, the second tallest statue in the world: a huge Buddha 115 meters high accompanied by another reclining Buddha of 95 meters. Arrival to Monyway and transfer to the hotel. In the afternoon, we went out for the last visit of the day to the caves of Phowing Tuang, excavated in the hill and ancient place of worship that contains beautiful murals and innumerable Buddha figures of the Inwa style. Por la mañana empezaremos el trayecto por carretera hacia Monywa (de 3 a 4 horas). Nada más salir de Mandalay, pararemos para ver la vista de la Colina de Sagaing, llena de templos blancos y dorados. Por el camino también visitaremos el curioso y colorido Templo Thanboddhay, joya arquitectónica de la zona con una gran estupa central rodeada por 845 pequeñas estupas y que contiene unas 500.000 imágenes de Buda en su interior.  Llegando a Monywa podremos ver, a lo alto de una colina, la segunda estatua más alta del mundo: un enorme Buda de 115 metros de altura acompañado de otro Buda reclinado de 95 metros. Llegada a Monyway y traslado al hotel. Por la tarde, salimos a realizar la última visita del día a las cuevas de Phowing Tuang, excavadas en la colina y antiguo lugar de culto que contiene bonitos murales e innumerables figuras de Buda del estilo Inwa. Traslado al hotel.
Day 5

Monywa – Pakkoku – Bagan

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure to the city of Pakkoku (2 hours journey). Along the way we will visit a village where we can see how its inhabitants make incense sticks in their homes. Arriving at Pakkoku, we will stop at its large and crowded local market, before continuing on our way to Bagan. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 6


Breakfast in the hotel. In the morning we will visit the colorful and interesting local market of Nyaung-U, where we will feel closely the local life of the people of Myanmar. At the end we will go to the archaeological zone, where we will begin the visit going up to a temple from which we will obtain a beautiful panoramic view. Next, we will visit the most important temples and pagodas: the Shwezigon Pagoda, completed in the 11th century; the Temple of Ananda, considered the masterpiece of architecture Mon of the eighteenth century and the Thatbyuinnyu Temple, the highest in the area with more than 60 meters high. At the end of the visit to the temples we will stop at a lacquer workshop, typical of the Bagan area, where we can learn about this curious process. In the afternoon, horse carriage ride that will lead us through the ruins until we reach one where we will climb up to witness the fabulous view and watch the sunset. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 7

Bagan - Mount Popa - Bagan

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure by road in the direction of Mount Popa (1 hour and a half approx.), An ancient extinct volcano on whose summit is the Kalat Taunk Temple dedicated to the animist spirits. We will see the activity of the Burmese people who visit the sanctuary (the climb is optional, since its 777 steps not very clean and full of monkeys make it very hard and uncomfortable, especially in the rainy season). Return to Bagán. On the way back to Bagan, we will stop at a palm plantation where we will learn about the process of making sugar and palm marc. Finally, we will go to the pier to get on a small boat that will give us a walk along the Ayeyarwaddy River, from where we will see the sunset. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 8

Bagan – Heho – Pindaya – Kalaw

Breakfast in the hotel. Transfer to the Nyaung-U airport to take a flight to Heho (45 minutes). Once there, we will embark on the beautiful road to Pindaya, a 2-hour drive along a road adorned with picturesque hills and fields of vegetable and fruit trees. We'll make a stop to see the colorful surroundings up close, the women working in the fields dressed in the striking costumes that characterize the people of the Shan State and the men plowing with their carts pulled by oxen. Arriving at Pindaya we will visit its famous caves, which contain more than 8000 Buddha images, and a traditional Shan paper factory and the typical umbrellas of the area. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 9

Kalaw – Nyaung Shwe Jetty – Inle Lake

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure by road to Nyaung Shwe (2 hours), dock located on the shores of Inle Lake, famous for its unique rowers on foot. On the way, visit the Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery in the city of Nyaung Shwe. After reaching the dock, we will take a boat trip on the Inle Lake, discovering the typical floating gardens, the local fishing methods and the life of the floating villages. In the afternoon, visits will be to the Phaungdaw Oo Pagoda, the lake's main sanctuary containing five sacred Buddha images covered with gold leaf, and the Nga Phe Chaung Monastery, with a collection of ancient Shan-style Buddha images. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 10

Inle Lake - Indein - Inle Lake

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure by boat to visit one of the local markets (they rotate every day of the week). There we will see the people of the tribes who come down from the hills to meet and sell their products. From there we will go to the town of Indein, located on the west bank of the lake. In their houses the typical bread of the state of Shan is made, and it is an ideal place to see the life of the villages of the lake. We will also visit the surprising and little frequented complex of pagodas and stupas, which sits on top of a small hill. Finally, we will visit a silk factory where we will see its manufacturing process and women weaving on traditional looms. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 11

Inle Lake – Nyaung Shwe Jetty – Heho – Yangon

Breakfast in the hotel. In the morning, transfer to Heho airport to take the flight to Yangon (1h 20min). We continue the visits going to the Bogyoke market (also known as the market of the Scots), with hundreds of food stores, clothing, crafts and precious stones. In the afternoon, walk through the colonial center of Yangon and through the bustling Chinatown. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 12

Yangon - Airport

Breakfast in the hotel. Free time and transfer to the airport for your return flight.
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